What We Wish We Knew Before Raising Backyard Chickens
At WKND House we raise chickens for their eggs, natural fertilizer, tick control, and endless entertainment. Watching our flock graze across the font lawn is one our favorite past times. While keeping chickens can be fun and fulfilling there’s also quite a bit of work and a lot to learn. Here are a few of the things we wish we knew before we started raising backyard chickens.
Predators Are Everywhere
Chickens are not the smartest of animals and are uniquely prone to being the target of predators. When building your chicken coop be sure to predator proof it. Raccoons, opossums, fishercats, dogs, and foxes are just a few of the animals here in Upstate New York that will be more than happy to break into your coop and snack. Be sure to secure your run and coop with 1/2” hardware cloth, not chicken wire, and burry it at lest a foot down and out around the perimeter of your chickens home. We also recommend installing an automatic coop door to keep your chickens in and predators out.
Predators don’t only walk the ground but fly the skies above. Hawks and eagles will scoop up you your free-ranging hens if they have the opportunity. Make sure runs are secured from above and when your flock is free-ranging keep an eye out.
The Pecking Order Is Real
Hens operate with a strict social structure with the head hen call all the shots. Chickens peck at each other to assert their dominance. The pecking order determines everything from you eats first to where each hen roosts at night. Occasionally a hen may need to be separated from the flock for being too aggressive with the other girls. Introducing new hens to an existing flock disrupts the current pecking order and can become a long and stressful process for both bird and human.
A Good Vet Is Hard To Find
Chickens, especially hatchery chickens, can have a lot of heath problems. Having a local vet that can care for chickens is essential, especially for new chicken owners. Finding the right vet that understands that chickens, while not a pet, still deserve medical care and attention like a beloved member of the family is surprisingly difficult. Have a chicken first aid kit with with the basics, mine includes Peck-No-More, Blu-Kote, Hydro Hen, and Metacam. Chickens are great at hiding ailments so keep a close eye on your flock.
The Elements Are Against You
Your flock will spend most of their time outside. This means, depending where you live, your chickens will be exposed to cold weather, rain, snow, and heat. Chickens need a heat source in their coop in the winter and shade and cool treats in the summer. Chickens can get frostbite on their combs and feet (you can apply Vaseline to vulnerable areas to prevent this.) It’s also important to place your coop in a location that will not get too much direct sun in the summer and should be shielded from the cold northern winds in the winter. Be sure that your run is also in a well drained area to prevent wet and muddy conditions that can lead to parasites and conditions like bumble foot.
Chickens Have Major Personalities
The most surprising thing about raising chickens is getting to learn about the quirks and personalities of your birds. Your flock can learn words, recognize their names, and can become quite fond of you. They’ll follow you around the garden, especially if you have treats. Chickens can be sweet and affectionate, sit on your lap, and enjoy pets.
While difficult at times, raising backyard chickens can be deeply rewarding if you take the time to enjoy the little things and take the challenges one step at a time. Our best advice is to find a friend whose familiar with raising chickens that can help you out. So much of raising chickens is learned through experience.