It’s Time To Plant Daffodil Bulbs
My favorite new tradition since moving Upstate has been planting daffodil bulbs every October. These bulbs need the cold of winter to flourish in the Spring. Each year we dig a long trench in front of the boxwood hedges in front of the porch and planted a variety of yellow daffodils. When planting we make sure to plant them twice as deep as the bulb is tall with the tips facing up. Come spring when we start to see their little green leaves starting to poke out of the ground signaling "Spring is finally here!” we will apply a layer for chicken manure which is rich in nitrogen which daffodils just love. Once bloomed and the leaves start to yellow we will cut back the greens and gently dig up the bulbs and store then until the following fall. They’ll then be replace with a bountiful hedge of annuals that will bring us blooms until the end of summer.